Genital Aesthetics

Genital aesthetic interventions are all of the aesthetic methods used in the removal of congenital or congenital deformities in the genital area. Deformities in the genital area often create a lack of self-confidence. In addition, it can negatively affect the sexual life and daily life of the woman.

Genital area aesthetics transforms the genital muscles into their best form by narrowing and reshaping the diameter of the vagina. Labiaplasty or perineoplasty are aesthetic procedures for the external appearance of the vagina. Vaginoplasty, on the other hand, is surgical applications for the internal structure of the vagina.

Although many procedures are performed within the scope of genital aesthetics, the most frequently applied procedures are; includes vaginal tightening, labia minora reduction, clitoral valve reduction and vaginoplasty.

Vaginoplasty : The vagina may enlarge as a result of reasons such as advancing age, normal birth, sexual intercourse, abortion and similar interventions. Vaginal tightening surgery, also known as vaginoplasty, is performed to restore the vagina to its former tightness. In practice; Mucous and muscle tissue is removed from the posterior wall of the vagina and sutured again. Thus, the vaginal canal is narrowed. The patient can return to his daily life a few days after the procedure. After the procedure, sexual abstinence should be applied for about 4 weeks.

Labioplasty: Inner lips called labium minor, which are usually congenital or grow with puberty, droop and become irregular, look aesthetically bad, but take an uncomfortable form especially when sitting. Sometimes, one part of the lip, called labial asymmetry, may be longer or have a different structure than the other. The surgical correction of these conditions is called labiaplasty.

It is possible to correct these deformations with appropriate surgical approaches. After these interventions, which can be performed under local anesthesia or sedation, a 4-week sexual abstinence is applied. At the end of 4 weeks, there is no surgical scar in the patient.

Clitoral Hudoplasty: The clitoris is an organ with sexual pleasure and orgasm function in women. In some women, the excess tissue in the inner lips, especially called “labium minus”, reaches up to the clitoris. Excess tissue is surgically removed with clitoral hudoplasty applications.

Episiotomy Scar Repair: The “episio” or “birth incision” made in normal birth may not heal well in some cases. In this case, bad-looking birth sutures may cause some problems in women’s sexual life and may cause problems in terms of genital aesthetic appearance. Correction and deletion of birth suture scars can be done with surgical and non-surgical methods.

Perineoplasty: The perineum is the name given to the area between the vaginal entrance and the anus. Perineoplasty is the operation of aesthetic correction of the perineum. It is generally performed simultaneously with vaginal tightening.

Inflammation and opening of episio stitches placed during the birth, difficult and traumatic births, births at home are the biggest causes of perineal tears and their bad appearance. With perineoplasty, poorly healed birthmarks (episiotomy scars) that have healed by leaving a depression or swelling can be removed, resulting in a better aesthetic appearance. Thus, the bad appearance due to old traces will be completely removed.

Hymenoplasty: Hymenoplasty is the process of repairing the damaged or torn hymen with the help of surgical intervention. The suturing of the hymen can be performed with simple surgical methods under local anesthesia and the patient can be discharged within 1-2 hours following the operation.

Puboplasty/Venus Hill:The pubis area or bikini area is a triangular genital area covered with hairs that extends from the bottom of the pubic area to the upper part of the clitoris area. It is rich in subcutaneous fat layer. The fact that the pubis area is more puffy and voluminous than normal can cause aesthetic problems in women (especially because it becomes apparent from the outside when wearing tights, bikinis, tight trousers). Pubic aesthetic operations (puboplasty) are generally performed by removing fat from this area with liposuction. Thus, that area can be reduced to a more aesthetically pleasing appearance.


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Ayşe Yılmaz
Ayşe Yılmaz
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